Picture: Steffi Retti


I am a freelance dancer, creative and curious maker and teacher based in Berlin. I am in constant exchange and working in close relation with other artists. With my work, I want to create platforms for exchange, critical reflection and more listening, in order to establish profound and sustainable connections.

In 2021 and 2023 I was recipient of the solo research scholarship 'Dis-Tanzen Solo' with the projects 'Planet X' and 'Tracing Roots', which allowed me to focus on and underline queer-feminist topics and the topic post(-ost) migration in my work. 

As a dancer I have performed in 9 productions of the Berlin-based choreographer Nadja Raszewski, and have worked with other choreographers such as Freddy Houndekindo, Kazuma Glen Motomura/Izabella Herzfeld, Amy Chavasse, Christina Wüstenhagen, as well as creating own pieces and projects in collaboration with other artists. Lately I have been collaborating closely with the dancer and visual artist Alessia Luna Wyss for our piece "To Cajole", that has been performed in Belgium, France, Germany and Italy so far, and with Camilla Pölzer for her production I need a hero.

As guest teacher, I have been invited to share my practice/point of view at the University of the arts Berlin, Franz Liszt University of Music Weimar, Berliner Festspiele, Tanzplattform Leipzig, Schwungfarbik Weimar, Seneca Intensiv Berlin, PURPLE - international dance festival for young audiences, Rampenlichter dance and theater festival, Oyoun's Threads of Resilience festival, and others.

As dance mediator, board member of the association SuBKultur e.V. and former member of the core team of TanzTangente I have been initilizing, developing and realising diverse artistic workshops, projects and creations since 2013 in schools, museums, refugee homes, prison collaborating with Neuköllner Oper, Berlin Mondiale, Alte Möbelfabrik e.V. and others.

I received my education in contemporary dance and choreography at TanzTangente Berlin, Tanzakademie balance1 Berlin, Scenario Pubblico - Choreographic Center Sicily and University of the arts Berlin. Additional movement practices have been martial art forms such as Capoeira, Kung Fu and Systema and urban dance styles such as Hip Hop and House Dance. I started to accompany, assist and observe inspirational teachers such as Nadja Raszewski intensely from the age of 19, already acknowledging and wanting to dive into the art of teaching. An influential practice is Play-Fight movement practice by Formless Arts, founded by Bruno Caverna.

I have been focusing on and deepening my knowledge in the fields of partner work, improvisation and instant composition. I have been exploring unconventional performance spaces with a focus on site-specific work. 


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